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Getting into PA school with a felony DUI

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I tried searching the forum for answers to my question but could not find exactly what I am looking for. I did read on the physician assistant licensing board for California that the board will consider felons who’ve shown they have rehabilitated. My question is will schools accept felons into their program, especially since the board will consider felons who’ve shown they rehabilitated? I noticed most schools do background checks but there are some that do not do background checks. If you know of any schools that do not do a background check can you please post it?

The pandemic hit me hard. I became an alcoholic due to depression, anxiety and other high stressors in my life. I lost control and didnt know what I was doing. This lead to a felony DUI. I really hope. I can get into PA school despite having a felony DUI. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

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I wish that I knew the answer to your question. I think a conversation with a PA program is in order, as well as the Medical Board (or whoever licenses PAs in your state). 

I would encourage you not to keep referring yourself as a "felon." Yes, you apparently plead guilty to a felony, but labelling yourself as a "felon" probably doesn't do too much for either your self-esteem or the ability of people to relate to you. One way or another, moving forward probably means getting past this.

Best wishes.

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