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Job Hunt for Transplant from NYC - Emergency Medicine

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Hi all,

My significant other and I will be moving to the Boston area later this year. I currently am in a 1 year EM fellowship and I would prefer to stay in EM as well. That being said, I heard there is a bit of competition in the greater Boston area due to the many PA programs and NPs having independent practice (and have been utilized in adult EM). I have already gotten my MA license and am trying to network as much as I can since I don't know many people there. I've realized that there are SO many hospitals to look into, which can be a good and bad thing I guess! My ideal hospital setting would be an academic environment within a community hospital OR a hybrid of shifts at both academic and community hospitals, underserved populations preferred. I would appreciate any leads I can get or really any tips/tricks with the Boston market. Thank you 🙂

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