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Growth in salary as a PA

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Hello, I am struggling to find answers about this topic but for all of the PA's in your positions is there room to grow within your salary or are you capped at a certain amount forever? for instance is there time and a half within jobs or are there ways if you work more you earn more? I'm juggling between AA and PA currently because in AA, it is clear that you are not capped at a certain salary and have a lot of room to earn more. I want to see if this is the case for PA as well and if it is common.

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20 minutes ago, Madidautel said:

Hello, I am struggling to find answers about this topic but for all of the PA's in your positions is there room to grow within your salary or are you capped at a certain amount forever? for instance is there time and a half within jobs or are there ways if you work more you earn more? I'm juggling between AA and PA currently because in AA, it is clear that you are not capped at a certain salary and have a lot of room to earn more. I want to see if this is the case for PA as well and if it is common.

As a practice owner, I have the option to see more patients and do more work, which will necessarily result in more pay.  Anyone else, I suspect their earning potential, while it may exceed mine, is limited by their organization.

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Kind of goes back to simple supply and demand. If you are in a desired field in a desirable location the likelihood to keep getting raises and bonuses will slow down. Are you one of few with your talents in a less than desirable specialty or area where replacing you would be difficult? I can pick up extra shifts for extra pay but it's more work to make more money like Rev. A few places I go to, I know I'm well liked and cheaper as they don't have to fly someone in from out of state so I can leverage a little more pay as I cost them less

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In EM, within a particular job: employer, site, etc., I've seen little to no room for growth.  There's pretty much an hourly rate, sometime with a night differential.  Some places do time and a half for OT, other don't.  I have personally experienced significant growth in my personal hourly rate, but only by switching employers and locations.  In return for being willing to spend most of a day traveling to and again home from a rural hospital at company expense, my employer treats me (and all of our employees) well.  If we get the contract we're bidding on, my hourly rate will have doubled from when I started 9 years ago.  Currently, I'm at 80% more.  Key difference: I travel and do rural, primarily critical access and I'm in the "experienced EM PA" job market, not the new grad.  Had I stayed at my 1st job, I would be making about the same as when I started.

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13 hours ago, rev ronin said:

As a practice owner, I have the option to see more patients and do more work, which will necessarily result in more pay.  Anyone else, I suspect their earning potential, while it may exceed mine, is limited by their organization.

Are you  a PA with your own private practice? How exactly does that wok having to work under a doctor?

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  • Administrator
8 minutes ago, Madidautel said:

Are you  a PA with your own private practice? How exactly does that wok having to work under a doctor?

I pay him, have his phone number for consults, and pretty much practice team-based medicine without involving him?  Understand that I was referring to specialists for ~6 years with minimal SP input as a family and occupational medicine PA before starting my own practice, so it's really minimal overhead, and not especially high risk, for the MD.

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When I had my own practice I paid a flat 1k a month. Contract was pretty short. I'd share it but that was a while back and I haven't a clue where it might be. Basically it said he would be available by phone and do whatever was required to keep us in compliance with the state.

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