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Almost a RD but want to be a PA!!

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I’m in my second year of my dietetics graduate program and I have concluded that I want to be a PA! After looking at all of the “barriers” that presented themselves as a nutrition professional, I realized I wanted to do more. 

Since I’m already a few months into my last year I decided that I would finish the masters program. My question is, is it worth sitting for the RD exam if I plan on pursuing the PA field soon after graduating? (After the dietetics program is done, I’ll be taking prerequisites and build up my PCE etc.)

I’m unsure if the RD credential would “help” me in the application process or not. 

Just for extra info - I plan on applying to PA school two years after I graduate early next year. I’m currently 25. 

Thank you for reading and sorry for the length of this message 🙂

Edited by CoAlex
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I have seen numerous RDs go on to become PAs. One of our classes had two at the same time.

I would recommend getting your credentials after your masters. It gives you some future flexibility and adds some weight to your application. Not essential, but why spike the ball on the 5 yard line?

Best wishes.

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100% take the exam.  This would allow you to work while doing prerequisites, and would be excellent patient care experience.  Furthermore, if PA school didn't pan out for whatever reason you still have a career.  Lastly, that would even be a credential I would strongly consider keeping up to date even after PA school, while working as a PA.

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