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APP tier program

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We are rolling something similar out in our health system right now; PAs, NPs, CNMs and CRNAs are all eligible to apply for promotion on a new career ladder.  It provides a pathway to recognize a lot of the activities that go beyond bedside clinical work such as teaching, research, community service, professional advocacy, etc.  

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2 hours ago, MediMike said:

Ever since I saw the article the thought has been cruising around my brain. @medic25 if you'd be able to share the setup of your program I'd appreciate it. 

It seems like something along these lines would help encourage scholarship and growth.

Second. Would appreciate the details of such a program 

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2 hours ago, medic25 said:

We are rolling something similar out in our health system right now; PAs, NPs, CNMs and CRNAs are all eligible to apply for promotion on a new career ladder.  It provides a pathway to recognize a lot of the activities that go beyond bedside clinical work such as teaching, research, community service, professional advocacy, etc.  

might you be able to share some of framework??   Getting on committee to generate for my system.  

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Cliff Notes Version:

3 tiers of APP, with minimum eligibility criteria for promotion such as years of practice, years with the hospital, etc.

Application has two elements: the candidate documents professional growth activities in a variety of categories such as education, research, professional development, leadership/advocacy and community service.  They must score a minimum number of "points" to demonstrate activities outside of their regular clinical duties.

The second element is a professional development project such as a QI project, educational program, or improvement in patient care.  Once this is approved, the candidate is eligible for promotion.

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