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Hi all! I was accepted into PA school almost a year ago and heard about this opportunity with the Federal BOP. A great opportunity where they provide compensation for your last year of school, and in return you serve back 2 years working at the federal BOP.  I am currently in the process of being commissioned as an 0-1 for the srcostep program and I was wondering if there are any other current 1st year or 2nd year pa students who are also being commissioned currently; or any current serving PA's who wouldn't mind sharing their experience working in corrections. 

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  • 4 months later...

You will get a mixed opinion w/ corrections. For me, I think it is a good starting point for PHS and for new grad. But this will greatly depend on your Supervisor or Mentor. You will make a ton of mistakes your first couple years, you would want to minimize this and being in a correction, you need to also make sure you are always alert.

Do not get stuck in one facility. You will need to move around and find the right facility and colleagues that will help you with your career. There are a lot of politics going on in BOP and hopefully this does not affect your career in PHS.

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