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Looking for a change of scenery

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Hello all,

I have been a PA for 34 years, mostly Family Practice but also Urgent Care and ER. That is referred to now as "seasoned" rather than just old. I guess it lies somewhere near retirement and before death 🙂  Seriously I know I have a lot of good working years left in me and I love being a PA so why give it up. I was just thinking I would like to do it somewhere else other than the US for a change of pace. Does anyone know where to search for jobs  in the Caribbean of some place similar in climate? I can't say I want to go too far away (ie Africa, Europe, etc)  just somewhere that perhaps offers new adventure without limiting practice skills. Any ideas or advice is appreciated.



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Puerto Rico might be an easy choice (see  below) as US PA laws apply.  I've learned the hard way that it is difficult to find a position in a country that does not recognize PAs. I applied for the State Department gig decades ago and at times I wish I had taken the position.  However, the caveat (at that time at least) was  that assignments were based on seniority, so new comers rarely had a choice where they were assigned.

https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=Physicians Assistant&l=Puerto Rico&mna=5&aceid&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0umSBhDrARIsAH7FCof7ip_OaM5xt8wQLTbKGjMZHNI1QtyX5E_QsbyCnK6cPGGc23BNWmwaAkAIEALw_wcB&vjk=4fb8f78e92ca1e61

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On 4/16/2022 at 7:02 AM, jmj11 said:

 However, the caveat (at that time at least) was  that assignments were based on seniority, so new comers rarely had a choice where they were assigned.


This is still the case. First assignment is generally Africa, then eastern Europe or south America, then one has enough seniority to request choice assignments. A friend of mine landed Berlin as his third assignment. 

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