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BA Graduation/Applying with CASPA

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I'm getting mixed messages on my search to find an answer regarding graduating with my bachelors/applying to PA school timeline - so I'm hoping someone can simplify this for me please! 

I plan on taking biochemistry w/ lab & my capstone in allied health course in the Fall of 2022 (I work as a Medical Assistant so that's why I'm not taking classes full-time). I also plan on taking Microbiology & Spanish 101 in the Spring of 2023, which are my last two courses, and this is when I graduate. 

Any advice/comments on applying for PA school at the same time as graduating with your Bachelors? I know this means that I won't be able to apply right when CASPA opens, and I would have to wait until my transcript is finalized. Not sure why I feel that it makes more sense to graduate in the Fall of 2022 and then apply to PA school in the Spring of 2023 when CASPA opens. However, I'd have to cut back on work, which is doable but regardless, I worry that my GPA won't be great after taking all those classes (I currently have a 3.7 but I think it'll drop a bit after the current semester). 

Any thoughts/comments/opinions are greatly appreciated!!! Thank you! :)


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It appears to vary by school. When I applied (I had other degrees but needed to finish some prereqs), I applied and was accepted by some schools on the condition that (1) I finished all classwork before their terms started and (2) got a finalized transcript sent when I did finish.

I have seen posts  from some applicants that stated that some programs expect you to finish before applying. I would check websites to see where the programs you plan on applying to fall.

Good luck!



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