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I think mandatory mental health support and counseling should be required to be provided to every medical provider PA, NP, MD, DO in the country by either the employer or the state....

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Providers are the backbone of health in America.  Hoping that you get a job with good "mental health" benefits is complete BS.  If America wants to push us to the edge of sanity, then the country should provide free easy access to mental health care.

But...it won't happen and I know it.  Medical providers must be perfect, without error and without ANY form of mental compromise.  You know...like super heroes.  Except we are not.

Since I moved to the regulatory side of medicine, I have been stunned (and that is hard to do), by the amount of utter DESPERATION of providers in this country regarding their mental health.

Shockingly high numbers of addiction, family destruction and suicide.  


It is in a word....haunting.


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I'm not a medical provider.  I'm a professional or practitioner if you want to use a "p" word. Being called a "provider" belittles my medical judgment and agency, and that is a good place to start.

The customer may always be right, but the patient is not a customer. Or, rather, the places where the patient is the customer rather than the patient are soul-crushing places of stupid greed, rather than houses of healing.

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Not a surprise. 
I love my job but it is exhausting and after 20 years I am about done. 
mental health would be nice 

have to not stress about my own families medical bills would really help (our non system of health care is awful)

better yet get corporations out of medicine 

get docs out of employee rolls

let us just do our job with out pharma and insurance companies screwing everything up for profit  


not sure this is the field it once was  



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I couldn't agree more. I called employee assistance a few months after I started here because I was feeling overwhelmed. I talked to a very nice lady who took all my info and told me someone would be in touch..... but they were backed up about 5 to 6 months. That was 8  months ago and I still haven't heard back.

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