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Canisius 2021-2022 Cycle

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On 8/16/2021 at 4:08 PM, CongolesePA said:

Hello everyone, I also have an interview in September too. Does anyone have any idea of what the interview will be like or what kind of questions they ask?

No, I haven't heard anything since the first email confirming the interview! Has anyone else heard anything??

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 I got my email for interview a few weeks ago!  I was talking with a student in the class now and from what I heard this program has a lot of cool stuff that the other programs in Buffalo don’t have.  Also- I am friends with someone at dyouville and they said all the instructors are leaving which makes me not want to go to that interview.  

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1 hour ago, CongolesePA said:

Yeah I am also hoping for good news. When do you think they will start sending out decisions?

Looking at last years class, a lot of them received a call the following Monday after their interview. I'm assuming it's taking longer this year because they probably had significantly more applicants. They said 7-10 days so just hang in there--we'll know soon enough!! Sending good vibes to everyone 🙂

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I received a notification that I was waitlisted just now, and accepted a position on the list. The email did not specify how many people were waitlisted or what position we will be placed on if a position is to open up. I am holding out hope; I really respect this program and would love to be a part of this cohort. 

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