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Submitting MCAT scores to CASPA

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I was a previously interested in the MD route and took the MCAT, twice (67, 82%). I also applied to medical school twice, and didn't get in. I last took the MCAT in 2017, but it's been a few years now and I definitely feel like the PA route is better for me for a lot of reasons. I took the GRE this year (90% for both sections) and I am submitting those scores. However, I am applying to a few of the same schools for PA school as I did for med school, so I'm wondering whether or not I should just send the MCAT scores too? I'm worried those schools will still have access to my old scores and realize I did try for med school anyway. I know that's not necessarily the end of the world but I don't want to come off as though PA route isn't my number one choice right now.

Thanks in advance!

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