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Perhaps I should be posting this in the PA student section, but I'll give it a try here first!!


Did anyone take Pharmacology as part on their science

Re reqs? None of the schools I applied to had it on their definite pre-req list , but rather a "suggested course". I know that some folks really struggle w / pharm in the program and wondered if anyone had thoughts on taking a pharm pre req (as In helpful or not.


Thanks so much!!!

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I don't see how it would not be helpful to take. While shadowing PA students I asked them which course they thought was the hardest, all of them said Pharmacology then adult/pediatric medicine. I saw many of them used pharmacopeia pocket reference guides and when I asked what book to read for a head start I was told Pharmacology made ridiculously simple. Also working as an ER tech I continuously here the charge nurse quizzing the other nurses on drugs and their antidotes along with their mechanism of action and side effects.

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I don't think pharm is too difficult...but I also thought that calculus was fun and intro to English lit was the hardest class I ever took, so I might not be the best source for this information.

The only people in my program who took pharm before PA school were people for whom it was required for whatever they did before.

If you think you are going to struggle, my reccomendation would be NOT to take pharm, but instead to take a molecular or cell biology course. You should also take biochem if you haven't already. That way you will know all the receptors and pathways normally work before you try to figure out how they are affected by drugs.

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What's the best book to pre-study for pharm then? Lippincott pharm? I know they say don't pre-study but our school actually recommends it ;)

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