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Applications/ Interviews?

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Interviews have started about a week an a half ago. Different from last year, it seems that the interviews are every week other than every two weeks. That is what I have noticed. My class started with 64 students and now they will be filling the next class with 80 students. The first class has about half of that and they are currently on rotations.

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Annabug, You should absolutely above everything else BE YOURSELF! I didn't read the "commonly asked questions" or rehearse my answers based on what I thought they would ask. It doesn't matter who interviews you, if you come across as being fake or "rehearsed" they will see right through it. Review your application and make sure that if you are asked to verify something that you at least remember what you wrote. It was very relaxed and you won't believe until you actually get there just how nice everyone is! Know your best qualities as well as those that could use some fine tuning and be able to clearly articulate them to your interviewers. Really listen to the question and pause for a moment to think about how you want to answer. Don't be overly "chatty" or go off on another tangent that doesn't really answer the question you were asked. Enjoy the day and be proud that you were asked to interview, regardless of the outcome. Best of luck to you! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

were the questions mostly about your strengths/weaknesses, how did you prepare for this profession etc or did they also ask about current issues and ethical issues? i know this is a very specific question so you don't have to answer if you don't want to :)

Marazee, are you interviewing tomorrow?? I am!

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Thanks MamaPA :) ..I'm super nervous about this b/c this will be my first PA interview :/


Annabug: No i'm not interviewing tomorrow..I interview on Nov. 5. Let me know how your interview goes!! Good Luck :) !!




Don't be nervous! You couldn't have hand picked a better place to land your first interview! Truly. BE YOURSELF! Avoid cookie cutter answers that you think they want to hear. Tell them what makes you special and different from all the rest. You have unique qualities to bring to the table (we all do) so you need to be confident and tell them how those unique qualities will make you a top notch provider! Let me know how it goes! :)

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Wow Annabug! Congrats! Just now saw your post. How was the interview??

It was great! It was really laid back and I felt relaxed. The campus is nice! There's not much to do around there but I guess that's ok when you have no time to do anything!

I have 2 more interviews to go! It was a great first interview!

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