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PCE Verification Letter

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Hi everyone!

I'm currently in the process of applying to PA schools and have run into some difficulties... I worked as a medical assistant previously and my employer refuses to write a verification letter because she states that it's been several years/she doesn't have a record of the exact number of hours. I was at the office for almost a year and the hours are pretty crucial to my overall app. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 

Edited by nycpahopeful2020
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That’s weird. You didn’t mention why they refused; not knowing this answer my advice may be unhelpful. I’d try to reach anyone else in the office/clinic that could verify your work experience-anyone-Dr, PA, payroll, HR, NP, RN. If you are going to try to reach a medical professional, chances are you will not reach them by phone so I’d recommend an email. 

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As stated already...I feel like payroll should be one of the easiest ways to get this info. Also pay stubs should have you occupation on them as well, right? At least mine do(just so it says your an MA lol) which they should have a record of. One year with 2 pays a month is only 24 checks and should be easy enough to get the hours verified! I would think....good luck!

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19 minutes ago, nycpahopeful2020 said:

Unfortunately it's a small practice and there's only one person who deals with the administrative matters. Yeah, I even suggested providing her with my W-2 forms but she refused...  because she said that she'll still be unable to calculate the number of hours which makes absolutely no sense. 

No shools I applied to asked for PCE verification letters. Is that actually  common thing?

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I don't think it's actually that common but some schools do want verification forms. I think Ohio schools are the ones that want all 3 (PCE, Volunteer and shadowing) as proof but i could be mistaken as it was only at a glance as the schools are towards the bottom of my list. I could be wrong though and it could just be shadowing because i see more of those verification forms than anything else. 

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