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Race & Ethnicity on CASPA

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I am confused on how to fill out this portion if I am multiracial (Latina & Asian). The question asks if I consider to be of Hispanic/Latino origin and I select yes. When I go down to race then I must decide between all of the other options that do not include the Hispanic/Latino option? I select Asian but then I cannot select Hispanic/Latino? I'm confused because how I do indicate that I belong to more than one race? 

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For the race I am able to select multiple races but I am Asian and Mexican. It does not give the option of selecting Mexican under race. It is only present in the Ethnicity section. I think I will put "yes" under the Ethnicity question and then select Asian for the Race question. I just don't think it is correct and I hope that my application will be OK. I just don't want to mess anything up or say that I am something when I really am not that. 

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6 hours ago, illini96 said:

For the race I am able to select multiple races but I am Asian and Mexican. It does not give the option of selecting Mexican under race. It is only present in the Ethnicity section. I think I will put "yes" under the Ethnicity question and then select Asian for the Race question. I just don't think it is correct and I hope that my application will be OK. I just don't want to mess anything up or say that I am something when I really am not that. 

Hi, I'm half-Mexican as well 🙂 

First, the CASPA questions regarding race and ethnicity are optional and should not impact whether or not you're accepted to any programs.  As far as I'm aware, this information is just used for data collection purposes.

Second, under these classification systems, Mexican is typically considered a subcategory of Latino/Hispanic ethnicity, not a race.  Race would include categories like Black, Asian, Caucasian, and Native American.  All of these races exist in Mexico and could therefore claim Latino/Hispanic/Mexican ethnicity.    What you would select for race (for your Mexican side) really depends on your specific ancestry.  Most individuals of Mexican descent would probably select Caucasian or Native American depending on how closely they identify with any of the indigenous populations in Mexico (e.g. Zapotec, Nahuatl, Mixtec, etc.).  Black and Asian Mexicans certainly exist as well, although they make up much smaller percentages of the population.  Only you will know which one makes the most sense.

Hope that helps, and good luck!

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