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Should I retake Organic Chemistry 2?

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I finished this semester with a C in Organic Chemistry 2, but It’s not a prerequisite for the schools I plan to apply to. I got an A in gen chem 1, B in gen chem 2, B in Organic chemistry 1. My overall GPA is around a 3.6 with a semi downward trend. My only other grade lower then a B was a D last summer in Calculus 2. I received straight A’s in my upper division bio courses and all my labs. I finished this semester with A’s in all other courses this semester. I work in a hospital currently treating covid patients and the transition is difficult, if asked I could explain the poor grade with tests correlation’s to work events. I am taking Biochemistry Along with many upper division courses in my next year so I could show growth in chemistry, and aside from gen chem 2 all my pre requisites are A’s, and I will be taking a gap year to get my PCE up to 2000-3000hours. I really don’t want to retake this class because I’d have to do it this summer, I may retake Calculus though. Opinions? Any Input helps, thank you!

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since your only option is to retake it in the summer i wouldn't even bother. the only way i would retake it is 1) i know that i'm going to learn the material and ace it (if i remember correctly, caspa takes the average of the two grades, so say you got a B in the class like orgo 1, it's pretty much negates the reason for retaking it when compared to the summer cost) 2) it works into your schedule because as you know it's tough class that requires all attention. 

definitely take biochem and ace it. it'll show that you bounced back. and im assuming it's an upper division course and probably need the orgos to enroll.

if anything, just be able to explain in the interview why you got the C in orgo 2 and why that isn't a hindrance in ur ability to succeed in the fast paced pa curriculum. explaining is one thing but then be able to show you can is another.

Edited by Bat10
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