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PCE - Am I understanding it right?

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Hi all,

For PCE hours, would you say it is more about gaining experience working with patients (touching them, working with their quirks, understanding bedside manner, etc) or more about gaining knowledge for PA school and your career?

I originally thought scribing would be best - gain lots of knowledge, and was confused why something like physical therapy aide would be an option for PCE (how much do you learn about being a generalist in medicine from that?). But now I am starting to realize that I might have this backwards for many programs - and that they would rather have a PT aide over scribing because of more "hands on" experience working with patients - is that correct?

Of course I'm sure it depends on programs, and having both combined is even better. Any thoughts are helpful, thanks!

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You are pretty correct....to my knowledge PCE is hands on patient interaction and generally more in depth hands on is held in higher regard(depending on schools) . Although some schools still take scribing. 


Yes, each school has its own thought on scribing as PCE. Some rank it highly,  some rank it low,  some see it as the same as everything else, and some don't accept it.

There are threads on which schools accept it,  if you need it.

Edited by TylerV
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