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Help me write a book!

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I am a PA and have tried to find a good book discussing medical specialty choices for PA's. All I could find was one for medical students, which helped some, but wasn't really what I was looking for. 

So.....I have decided to just write my own book. I'm doing research, but need to get input from PA's (and NP's) in all the various specialties. If you have time, and would like to help, please click the link to complete the survey. It's pretty painless, I think. Also, if you could share the link with other APP's, I would appreciate it!

Medical Specialty Survey

Thank you.

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Thanks bike mike!! Good catch on the no residency question. Yes, if I could do it again, there are a few things I would do differently. I am doing research on the residency programs, but that would have been helpful to include on the survey. Oh well, you live and you learn!

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