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Low GPA Applying Early

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I am unsure of what is the most advantageous time frame of submitting CASPA applications. My cGPA is 3.44 and sGPA is 3.12, which I am afraid will hold me back. I am taking 3 science courses which will be completed in mid June in effort to raise my sGPA to a 3.20. I keep reading that it is better to apply very early in May if you have a low GPA, but I don't want my application to be overlooked as a result of not taking those extra courses and replacing my lowest grades. Will applying at the end of June put me at a disadvantage? Thank you to anyone who replies, as I am very unsure of what to do at this point!

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1 hour ago, Mariela said:

I have a question regarding your transcripts,

since the classes end in june are you just going to have the school send the transcripts after?

Yes, my other college transcripts are already in CASPA so I would just need to send one more after I complete the summer courses.

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