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LOR Expiration?

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Do letters od recommendation expire?

I can't find info on this anywhere, so hopefully someone can help. I am planning on applying to 2-3 schools who's application cycle is Dec 2020-March 2021. Assuming I don't get in or don't hear back by April, my plan is to apply to my second round of schools with April 2021-Aug/Oct 2021 cycle. The reason I am doing the winter cycle first is because my top school's application falls under those dates. I haven't seen any posts regarding how to apply to two of these cycles, if they're considered the same caspa cycle, etc.

If I apply to the winter cycle in December 2020, will it carry over for April 2021? Will my letters of rec have to be resubmitted or can that be avoided?

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Here’s my understanding: The current cycle that opened April 30, 2020, ends April 4, 2021.

You can apply to any programs in this timeframe based on their application open/closed dates and your  LORs will be valid for the entire cycle, so you will not have to resubmit them. 

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