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LOR Question

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I would think the MD and PA you worked with could give you a recommendation, just ask them. As for your letters, you’ll see on this forum people who report submitting from 3-5 in general. One thing I would recommend is to look that the schools you plan on applying to and see if they have any specific requirements who they want letters from.

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I've maybe come across one program that wants more than 3 letters. Most of the programs I've seen ask for three letters, and they won't read any more than that, even though you can submit up to five on CASPA. You will have to check the website for each of the programs you are interested in to be completely sure, but it seems that most programs also want (or even require) at least one of your letters to be from someone who can attest to your relevant academic abilities. The most obvious example of this would be a professor of one of your science prerequisites.


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