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Optional Supplemental Essays

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So for some of the programs I am applying to, they have an optional essay that asks: 

You may use the following space to address any issues you would like the admissions committee to know about. This could include time lapse in higher education, academic issues, or clinical experience issues. If you are a reapplicant, what have you done to improve your application?

I am a first time applicant, so the reapplicant part and other topics don't really apply to me, but I did receive 1 Withdrawal, 1 C+ and 1 C- during my academic career, none of these are prerequisites for the program's I am applying for but they are science courses. Is it worth me trying to submit an essay explaining those grades? Unfortunately, I don't have a good reason as to why I performed poorly for those courses other than poor time management and they were in the middle of college which means there are no upward trends. I've heard mixed reviews about submitting these optional essays with one side stating that it gives me a chance to explain any "hiccups" in my transcripts, but others noting that if it wasn't for a prerequisite course, that it's better not to draw extra attention on these flaws or incompetencies. Can anyone give me advice on this? TIA


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