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re-applicant- LOR's

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Hi guys!

Reapplying this cycle. I had an LOR last year from a professor that I had a strong relationship with. However, I have not really maintained a relationship, and at this point it has been about 2 years since I even last saw her. Considering I am graduated and have no other professors I could ask for an LOR from, should I just ask her to resubmit that one for this year? I really would have no other academic reference. All other LOR's I have are strong and from providers I have recently worked with/work with now. Thanks!

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I would contact the professor, get caught up and if this goes well, ask them directly if they felt comfortable either writing another letter or resubmitting the previous one. 

Your catch-up conversation will tell you a lot,  if they would be a good person for you or not.

If schools you are applying to specially want one from a prof, then I’d just ask her outright since you don’t have any other options.

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