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No PA shadowing hours and only 500 direct patient care -- should I still apply?

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So as the title says I'm debating if I should apply this cycle.

I have shadowed 3 different doctors (50 hrs total) and have volunteered at a hospital (150 hrs). Also have research experience (200 hrs) and have worked as a tutor for organic chemistry (100 hrs). Also have volunteered at food pantry for the past year.

cGPA 3.6

sGPA 3.7

I'm a single parent and I graduate with my BS in Biopsych this June-- had plans to shadow a PA this April but given the coronavirus everything is now at a halt. Should I still apply regardless? I'm worried my direct patient care hours may be considered too low. 

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On 3/31/2020 at 1:21 PM, bswens said:

So as the title says I'm debating if I should apply this cycle.

I have shadowed 3 different doctors (50 hrs total) and have volunteered at a hospital (150 hrs). Also have research experience (200 hrs) and have worked as a tutor for organic chemistry (100 hrs). Also have volunteered at food pantry for the past year.

cGPA 3.6

sGPA 3.7

I'm a single parent and I graduate with my BS in Biopsych this June-- had plans to shadow a PA this April but given the coronavirus everything is now at a halt. Should I still apply regardless? I'm worried my direct patient care hours may be considered too low. 

Have you shadowed any PAs? Some programs require shadowing experience from a PA/ letter of recommendation from one as well. I feel like you have a solid cgpa and sgpa. My gpas were lower than yours and I had 7 interviews this cycle and will be starting this May. Like what everyone says, 500 hrs of PCE is low, some programs require 1000-2000hrs. Usually the people who do have low PCE they make it up with their gpa and these people normally have a 3.8 and above. I had around 5000 hrs which I felt compensated for my gpa.  But with that being said if money is not an issue I would just apply super early and see how it goes. I cannot stress to you how important it is to apply early. This was my second cycle and there was a big difference (I applied in May). But if money is tight I would work on your app for the next cycle and gain more PCE, def shadow multiple PAs in an array of specialties and even take the GREs because it will open more doors and options for you when you apply. You can take the GREs online now because of the pandemic. If you wait until next cycle your application will def be stronger and I'm confident you will land an interview. Also, to keep in mind with this pandemic, it may last til august so if money is tight I would just wait because it is expensive to apply to programs as they charge you for the CASPA app, and on top of that supplemental expenses and if you did take the GREs you have to pay to submit it as well. It all adds up. Best of luck! 

Also, if you do decide to apply make sure you prep for interviews. Despite this pandemic and how it is affecting all of us, programs are still conducting interviews online!

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On 3/31/2020 at 5:11 PM, pa557 said:

I got many interview invites and few acceptance offers with only around 750 PCE hours. Though I did have other healthcare experiences that gave me a broader understanding of and experience in healthcare. As long as you can convey your experience, motivation, and dedication in your personal statement and eventual interview, that's what would get you accepted. 

Your GPA is still above average which definitely helps. Personally, I would still applying this coming cycle. You still have plenty of time to rack up more hours if you want to (if you are still working). With the current COVID-19 situation, I would think PA schools would be pushing back interviews either way. Definitely try to find a PA to shadow since its a big decision you need to be sure of, though as you mentioned it may be more difficult now. Apply when you feel you are personally ready! 


So I was actually also interested in applying to PA school. For a long while I considered med school but then after much contemplation decided PA might be the best option for me as an individual. However, it's frustrating because like PA school, med school also looks at the overall qualities of applicant, but it doesn't require a set number of hours of PA school. I have a variety of volunteer hours (mainly hospital) and ~50 shadowing hours, plus other volunteer service work in the community. Is it worth it to apply? Or reasonable... honestly would like to but need some feedback. 

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4 hours ago, Graceme said:


So I was actually also interested in applying to PA school. For a long while I considered med school but then after much contemplation decided PA might be the best option for me as an individual. However, it's frustrating because like PA school, med school also looks at the overall qualities of applicant, but it doesn't require a set number of hours of PA school. I have a variety of volunteer hours (mainly hospital) and ~50 shadowing hours, plus other volunteer service work in the community. Is it worth it to apply? Or reasonable... honestly would like to but need some feedback. 

If you have a good idea of the what the profession is and can see yourself being a PA, sure apply. Do you have PCE hours? Most schools want at least some to make sure you have some experience with patient care which will help later on in clinical med and during rotations. Although, while I was researching schools, some of the accepted students infographics listed that a few students did not have direct patient hours. 

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I would try at the least! If you are strong in other areas, I feel that the application team will overlook a lower number of PCE hours. If you aren't accepted this cycle, you will at least know where you can improve your application for next cycle! I am also applying this cycle, and due to COVID-19, I was unable to shadow a PA this spring or summer. Otherwise, I feel I am a strong candidate. Best of luck to you! This is my first time applying! 

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I agree with the people who suggest you try. You're not the only one who is applying with no shadowing hours - lots of people had shadowing experiences cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19, and there's an essay option on CASPA where you can detail about how the pandemic has impacted you. Your GPA is pretty good and I think you have a decent chance at getting an interview if you focus on schools that don't have a huge focus on healthcare experience and prioritize GPA.

Also, just a suggestion, but I'd recommend maybe trying to get healthcare experience as a CNA instead of a home health aide. Some schools prefer CNA experience because you interact with more healthcare workers and you're in a more traditional healthcare setting. Just my two cents though! 🙂 Best of luck.

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