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How to Dress for Residency Interview?

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So I have one interview coming up and obviously want to make a good impression. Did anyone who has interviewed wear a full suit and tie, or were things expected to be a bit more casual. Just for the background, this is a surgical residency. Hoping to hear the casual thing, because I’ve never owned a suit. I wore a borrowed sport coat for my one PA school interview and felt like I was the most formally dressed out of those interviewing that day, so I might have overdressed. I am willing to invest in one if it is an important part, but between airfare and a hotel, this interview has already gotten pretty expensive. Thanks for any replies!

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Suit. Always. Every interview. Better to be overdressed than underdressed (but I promise you won't be overdressed). I think only one person didn't wear a suit to my residency interview.

Doesn't have to be a top of the line designer/brand as long as it fits well. You can pick one up for around $200, maybe less, if you are on a budget. I was with limited funds, too, in PA school when I had to scramble to get a suit for residency interviews. I snagged one off combatgent.com - decent for the price as a student but nothing to hang on to once you're an established PA with a PA income. You can also rent one from The Black Tux (theblacktux.com). Both are very affordable options.  Also, I'd recommend you avoid a black suit. I think a navy or gray would be best. And please make sure your shoes are polished. One guy showed up with dirty a$$ shoes and I was just thinking WTF? You dont have to look like a catalogue model (in my opinion most medical professionals are notoriously bad dressers) but putting forth the effort makes it look like you care. Bonus: being well-dressed gives confidence. Best of luck.

Edited by dphy83
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1 hour ago, LT_Oneal_PAC said:

Looks like you only have to buy the top half! #nopantsinterview #dontstandup

Hahaha. Well I bought the suit before I was told all my interviews would be virtual, but yes, I have 3 interviews that are all virtual now. I got the double whammy with the military banning travel too.

Thanks Flyhi, good luck in yours also!

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