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Medicare Part A

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Just found out today that a hospital will not credential me because PAs can’t be credentialed for Medicare part A. I have never ran into this issue but this particular critical access hospital it was. Instead they are hiring an NP which apparently can bill for part A. Would love to know everyone else’s experience?


this is our livelihood folks...

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Would be interesting to see who or what professions are in admin positions for that particular hospital. That doesn’t occur at my local hospital however if you look at the board members they have MDs, NPs, other management personnel never once a PA. Not to mention the CNO who will straight up discuss how much easier it is to hire an NP. Best of luck with growing numbers and lack of PA management positions it won’t become any easier.

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They have misinterpreted the law.  PAs bill through their collaborating physician at 85% of the rate. But they are identified as the provider.  You do have to apply to be credentialed but the money flows to the doc or hospital.  NPs can bill for themselves at 85% of the rate as well.  In terms of Part A it all flows to the hospital or doc that employs you eventually, just a question of where the reimbursements are sent.  No difference.  Contact AAPA for the exact language.  

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