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Attending Provider?

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Hi Everyone,


Is there anything that precludes a PA from being an attending provider in place of an attending physician while in the hospital, aside from the hospital's medical staff bylaws? Are there Medicare rules that address this? JCAHO? State law?



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Hi Everyone,


Is there anything that precludes a PA from being an attending provider in place of an attending physician while in the hospital, aside from the hospital's medical staff bylaws? Are there Medicare rules that address this? JCAHO? State law?



Medicare rules say a physician must be involved in the care of a hospitalized patient. However, it doesn't say what that involvement needs to be. As long as you have general supervision you can see the patient. Under most hospital bylaws they will list the patient under the physician regardless of who does the work.

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Iagree with coloradoPA. I act as anattending with the patient under my name though. The only requirement is that a physician be informed of the admitand the Admit H&P and Discharge Summary must be co-signed. It’s rare to have a doc directly involved withmy patients unless it’s a consult. Asfar as I know Medicare does not require any more than that, anything else is probablybylaws.

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