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CME audit - deficiency consequences????

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Hey everyone... hoping someone can help calm my fears here!

Here is the situation: I was just randomly audited by Florida DOH. I was asked to submit my CME transcript. I thought all was well, but I did not realize that I did not complete a prevention of medical errors class for the time period :sadface:. I have no one to blame but myself obviously, because it truly was a total oversight on my part. It was the only thing I did not complete.

I wrote a letter to explain that I had done this and I sent them a completion certificate of one I did immediately to show that I was making effort to remedy the situation. Apparently this is not good enough (didnt really think it would be).... I am now being turned over to the customer service unit for further action.

My question to you guys: does anyone know what can happen to me from here? Can my license be taken away???? :sadface: Im very worried!!! If anyone knows the answer, please let me know!

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Join the club! I was audited by the NCCPA about 1 month ago. I was lucky I had attended CME Resources review and that alone was 40 credits, I did another cme for 12 credits. Since they only wanted me to prove 50 cat 1s I only had to email 2 drafts. Most likely your going to be able to save yourself but I understand this is a stressful time. Don't panic, be very sincere when dealing with customer service. Hopefully you will get a grace period with proper explanation from you why/how it happened. This should serve as a wake up call to all PA-Cs....just when you think the odds are against you being audited...

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EXACT thing happened to me last year from the Florida DOH for the EXACT same problem. I was late on my Medical Errors class.


The fine, I believe, is $150 per CME credit hour. Medical errors is a 2 hour class I believe so my fine was $300 or so. But I wrote a letter explaining what happened, kept in touch with the people in Tallahassee, and got the fine waived.


I have more info on it. PM me and I will give you my phone # to tell you what to do.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey all.... Im still looking for advice on this matter! I just got my letter today from the customer service unit and they are fining me $622 ($250 per credit x2 and a $122 processing fee). I am looking for any other help and if Roman6163 is still out there, please PM me! I sent you a PM with my info. Thanks everyone!

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