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hippo pance/panre

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So there's this new pop-up in the upper right corner of the home page for this "hippo pance/panre" review option. I checked it out and it looks half interesting, but I'd like to know if anyone has any experience with it. I'm dreading doing my first PANRE at the end of the year. Between 3 kids and an almost full time job I have NO idea how I"m going to study for this thing. Going out of town for a 3 or 5 day review course would be great but I'd feel really guilty leaving my husband with the kids...


Any thoughts on this thing?


Also, this is a sort of related question...can I take the PANRE more than one time in one year if I don't pass the first time????

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YOU really should do the CME Resources course.


That's where I am RIGHT now, at the Chicago course in Schaumburg Illinois.


I just took my first practice test after getting my *** kicked for the past 11 hours in class on topics I've tried hard to forget....Ugh...

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I'm doing the 3 day, but only because I work in EM.


When I was in Ortho, I did the 5 day, and if I worked in a subspecialty, I would recommend it. It's 5 days yes, but it's only a once every 6 years thing (soon to be 10). I'd rather be completely prepared and this course kicks your keister.

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I just signed up for it


It is the same folks as EM:RAP which is a great resource for EM CME


I will let people know what I think.....



almost $600 aint cheap


I am not doing it as PANRE review but instead just CME - EM:RAP is that good and I am hoping this is equally as good.

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I did 3 day course with Certified Medical Educators not CME Resource. But I think the 3 day class I went to was great and it really helped me. You can take PANRE twice in one year up to 4 total times. I passed my PANRE 2 months ago and I work in Dermatology and I feel the review course really helped me

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