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Timing of Pre-PA prerequisites

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Hey I am new to these forums and considering going to PA school. I am currently a college freshman attending Binghamton University who is completing the second portion of chemistry and has completed calculus last semester. I AP'd out of intro bio, and plan on taking some upper level bio courses w/lab if I need to make up for the fact that I did not take intro bio. I am also a Bio major, and I am indecisive on what bio class to take next semester.


Right now my schedule is


Psychology (prerequisite for some schools)

Organic Chemistry (required for major)

Gen Ed (History or Spanish, don't know yet)



The TBD is currently Cell Bio, but I can choose from Ecology (for major) and Statistics for Biologists (for major). The microbiology class is near full, and I will have to ask the bio department for permission, which I will probably be denied because the bio head told me "its too early for me." The anatomy and physiology class here is specifically for nurse majors, but I am not sure if I should try and petition in for my sophomore, making it my TBD instead of Cell Bio or wait until junior or senior year to take it. My prehealth advisor told me that it would be very difficult to take it this year and I will have a higher chance of getting in my junior or senior year (it goes nurse majors, seniors, juniors, and everyone else in terms of priority).


Cell Bio or Molecular Genetics, and Ecology or Evolution are required classes for my major. I was considering integrative neuroscience, but wanted to take psychology first to see if I like it (and also as a prerequisite for some PA schools) so that I can switch to integrative neuroscience.


I'm sorry if you guys think this is a stupid thread, but I just want some advice of what classes to take next semester. Thank you.

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Here's my two cents: I'd stick with cell bio and worry about A&P later. (A&P is much easier when you've had a few science courses.) I didn't take ecology (not req'd, zero interest) and would take evolution of the two choices. I would take BOTH cell bio and molecular genetics (next sem or yr) because they will be foundation classes that will help you later. I think taking an intro psych class is a good idea. Of history or Spanish, the latter would prob be most helpful but only if you have a real interest in it.

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IMO you should knock statistics out ASAP while all the math high school stuff is fresh on your mind. I applied with outstanding (incomplete) prerequisites and got in just fine, so even if you have a few outstanding, you'll be okay. At the time I applied I was enrolled in AP I (I took them out of order and already had AP II) and had statistics and microbiology outstanding. Of course best case scenario you should have them all done. Ecology is not going to help you at all from a pre-PA perspective. Also it's better to take cell biology before A&P, try to do AP your sophomore year.

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