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PA Coaching

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I am considering hiring a PA Coach for perspective and guidance re where I stand the best chances applying, along with my best options for strengthening my portfolio. I know of Andrew Rodican and Dave DuBose. Does anyone have direct experience with either of these PA coaches? If so, would you be comfortable sharing some feedback, either firsthand or indirect (expectations, constructive criticism, pros, cons, etc. ) I look forward to your insights.


In Peace,


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No experience but sounds like a huge rip off and more or less a scam to get your money. You can probably get way better advice by asking on this forum, doing your own due diligence, and calling schools. If you are too lazy to do so then throw your money away. Hell I can probably do a better job than them maybe you should pay me.


Sorry, but these people marketing off other's fears of getting into PA school are really full of crap. Why don't you start by asking for advice and posting your stats.

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I agree with winter. Save your money, read through the posts on this forum (I see you're new here, so welcome!). Ask questions here and on the school threads that you're interested in. Look through the Personal Statement thread to see what a successful PS looks like. Read through the "Stickies" at the top of the page. Why waste the money on something you could get for free?

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Unless there is something about your background that you haven’t shared you are almost guaranteed to get into a good PA Program. Having a BA from UC Berkeley is actually more impressive than most undergraduate degrees, then your paramedic experience and your pre-req courses will get you where you need to go. Do a GRE review only if you have picked out one particular school that you really want to attend. Otherwise focus on the “true you”. Do call around to all of the PAs you know to see if you can find any who personally know program directors or faculty, especially if they are willing to write a letter or make an informal phone call on your behalf. Heartfelt recommendations from PA colleagues almost never hurt.

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