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Philadelphia area post-bacc pre-recs?

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Hi all. Thanks in advance.


I am moving to Philadelphia in a month and am looking toward applying to PA schools in the future. I have a bachelors degree in psychology but will need to make up a number of the science pre-requisites. Does anyone have experience or information on acquiring such credits in the Philadelphia area, or how to go about acquiring such info?


Thanks so much

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There are also a number of local community colleges that offer all prerequisites at a much more affordable price. I live in the Philly area (well just outside of) and have spoken with many schools offering PA programs in the state. The overwhelming response I've received is that they accept community college credits and that those credits do not hinder applications (assuming those grades are in-line with grades from your university).

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Thomas Jefferson University is starting a post bacc program pre med, pre pharmd program this fall. They have a 1 year accelerated or a two year program. They also have shadowing and volunteer opportunities throughout their hospitals that will be associated with the post bacc program. There was even talk last year that they were going to start a PA program in 2014.

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  • 3 months later...
There are also a number of local community colleges that offer all prerequisites at a much more affordable price. I live in the Philly area (well just outside of) and have spoken with many schools offering PA programs in the state. The overwhelming response I've received is that they accept community college credits and that those credits do not hinder applications (assuming those grades are in-line with grades from your university).


I think that PCOMM is the exception to this, but I may be wrong.

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