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Recommendation letter from doctor or PA for 3rd letter?

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I searched around and I could not really find an answer to this question. I will be getting 1 recommendation letter from a doctor that I volunteered for as a medical assistant for 4 summers, 1 from my Microbiology professor, and I am trying to figure out whom to ask for my last one. I currently work as an ER scribe, so I can ask a doctor there or ask a PA whom I shadowed a couple times. The PA I shadowed is my mentor, but I feel like I should not ask her for a letter of rec because I have not really "worked" with her. The doctors at work know that I work under high pressure situations and might write me a more helpful letter of rec. Does it really matter if I get 2 letters from doctors and 1 from a professor or is it crucial that I have to have a rec letter from at least one PA? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Its highly recommended that you get one from a PA. If the PA is your mentor like you say, she could give great insight to your personality traits, communication, attitude, etc. I'm sure plenty of people have been accepted without a rec from a PA however. I think you'll have to look at what the missing puzzle piece is. Letter 1 from the Doctor you volunteered for = work experience, knowledge, team attitude, etc. Letter 2 from Professor = Classroom attributes; studying, competence, great student, etc. Letter 3....what should be showcased aside from whats already been done? Once you figure that out, it will help with your decision. Some people get caught up in the "title" of their recommenders. As long as the person knows you and can formulate an opinion on what type of person you are, you'll be good. You can also give the PA a "resume" of things you've accomplished, grades, volunteering, etc to help her get a better idea of you overall.

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I think it depends on the program. I had extensive talks with my program director about the application process and she said a letter from a PA or a doctor is great but only if YOU really know that person and THEY really know YOU. Keep in mind if you have followed a PA around a few times there isn't much they can say about you other than you seem like a good person. Ideally they wanted someone who knew you and your work ethic. I did not have a PA write me a letter, instead I had a doc, a prof, and a community service director from a organization I had worked with in the past.

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