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GRE score

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I am just wondering if anyone ever took the GRE and had their official score be decreased from their unofficial score? My unofficial scores were Q143 and 155V, but everything dropped by three points--143 V and 153V.  I didn't expect it to change this drastically when everything I had seen from others points to the score rarely changing let alone by three points.

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20 minutes ago, Phoenixfire24 said:

I am just wondering if anyone ever took the GRE and had their official score be decreased from their unofficial score? My unofficial scores were Q143 and 155V, but everything dropped by three points--143 V and 153V.  I didn't expect it to change this drastically when everything I had seen from others points to the score rarely changing let alone by three points.

My understanding is that the majority of the time the official and unofficial scores are the same. I have heard of official scores being scaled and differing from the unofficial, but it is rare. 

If you have any questions about this, your best bet is contacting ETS directly to ask them. No one on here can say for sure why your score was scaled. 

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