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Union represented PA-C dismissed

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Advocating for a colleague in Minnesota, who is represented by a union, he is a great PA. He took approved FMLA leave for alcohol rehabilitation, Upon reurn his supervising physician refused to sign his supervisory agreement. The large corporation fired him because he could not practice without a supervising physician. 

The contract has elaborate steps for discipline, suspension, and termination. None of these were followed. Rather it seems any PA at this employer could be terminated at the whim of a Physician, circumventing the contract.


He had no prior disciplinary issues etc. 






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Wow, this scary and sad. Not knowing all the details, and I am not a lawyer, but if this were me, I would spend whatever I could on sound legal advice. 

Perhaps seek advice from treating provider? Unfortunately they have likely seen this before.

Best wishes to your friend/colleague for ongoing health and recovery.  

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