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IR Job Advice for New Grad

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I am a second year PA student looking to go into IR as a new grad and already have a couple of possibilities for jobs, but I am unsure what I should be looking for in a job/contract.


I worked as an RN for 3 years before school, including over 2 years in IR, so I am familiar with IR and love the speciality, but I do not know any IR PAs to discuss new job prospects.


I purchased an AAPA Salary Survery, but no IR PAs responded for Illinois. I would assume the prior experience in IR would help boost an initial salary, but I don't want to approach a possible employer with unreal expections of compensation, benefits, and scope of practice.


One job possibility already has a PA, but the department I came from does not have a PA and would need a better idea of how to utilize one.


I would greatly appreciate anyone that would take the time to further discuss the topic!

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My advice - go get a medicine job or hospitalist job and work that for a few years to learn medicine.


I did about 5 years of IM prior to IR and it was very helpful. IR is mostly a techinical job with amazing procedures but you will not do much medicine but when someone is crumping on the table in front of you you better know what the heck to do and fast....

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From the PA's that I know who are going into it or are in it, The best opportunities and at the high end of PA wage scale and a piece of the productivity. Now you will still need to be trained by them, they will be investing in you so a more modest 1st year salary but after I would want my productivity tied to my salary. I would not want to be placing 10 central lines in in a day and have the attending bill $500 each and pay you $50/hr. Do the math. Decent wage and 25% of the billings is what I would ask for in the 2nd year. In the 1st year give them a break for teaching you but don't let them take advantage of you thereafter. Get paid for what you are worth and generate. Business is business.

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Hey O2supply, I worked in an IR suite for 8 years as an RT and I am currently in my 3rd semester of PA school; so, I kind of know where you are coming from. Here in FL, we had a PA making around $100k in IR. I don't know how that compares to Illinois, but all they can tell you is "nope. too high". If they know you and value you, they won't boot you before they make you an offer. Good luck!

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