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No contact yet, is this bad?

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Hi all, I just had a quick question and wanted to see if anyone had experience with this. I got my CASPA in and verified in later may and still havent heard back from schools yet. I thought this was just par for the course but when checking in on the forums for certain schools it seems that if these schools are already beginning to send out interview invitations and I have not heard anything yet. Does this mean that I am probably going to get rejected? Im just worried because some of the people who were invited for interviews had their applications verified and submitted after mine which makes me think I am a no go. Does anyone have any experience with this and maybe they are just going out of order? Thanks so much!

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It doesn't necessarily mean you will be rejected. If you haven't gotten a rejection then maybe your application is still being considered and the just haven't offered you an interview yet. Last year one of the schools I applied to in August had rolling admissions. They start interviewing in August and in Early January I hadn't heard anything yet. A week later I was offered an interview. Even though I didn't get in I was placed on the top of their waitlist and was one of the first people offered an interview this year. 

There are many different factors that go into interview selection. Until you have an official rejection I would keep some hope.

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