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Application Cycle??

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What's up guys! I'm confused as to which cycle I should be applying to for CASPA. But before that, here's a little background info on me 

Cumulative GPA: 3.9 

Cumulative sGPA: 3.7

Volunteer Hours: 300 hours

PT Technician: 800 hours 

Research Assistant: 300 hours 

I'm going to be a 3rd year in undergrad once Fall rolls around of 2018, and I'm hoping to attend PA school in the Fall of 2020. Any thoughts on which cycle I should be applying for? 

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You need to research what schools you're applying at to see if they require a degree before you apply. Some require a degree already completed before you apply, others require it before you matriculate PA school. If you graduate Spring of 2020, you would apply summer of 2019, to start Fall 2020. If the schools require a degree before you apply, then you would apply Summer of 2020, and start Fall 2021.

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Agree with aceface, in addition;

Fresh grads do get accepted but often AdComs like to see a little more PCE/work experience after your graduate. Apply spring/summer 2019 anyway, even if you don't get any interviews or don't get an acceptance, all your info stays in CASPA so it makes round 2 a lot easier, some programs also look favorably on 2nd time applicants if they show improvement (in your case would be PCE) and if you do get a few interviews it will be good practice even if you don't get accepted. 

Things to keep in mind: 1- continue to volunteer (as you have) underserved populations being preferable. 2- Expect to have to work for a year before you get accepted, it's very common. 

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