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Interview Advice from PA Students

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Hey pre-PA peeps, 

Although it is still early in the application cycle, interview invites have started to go out and the interview anxiety has already commenced. Several PA students and certified PAs have blogs filled with information specifically for pre-PAs, so I thought I would share some interview-related blog posts with you all.

Hopefully you guys find this information helpful! I know when I applied a year ago, I spent most of my free time reading advice from PA blogs and I found it super useful. I was not aware of the huge PA community on Instagram though, so I definitely suggest checking that out as well! Also, as of today (6/29), I am giving away 2 of Savanna Perry's Interview Guides to 2 lucky pre-PAs for free through my Instagram account (@alexisleigh.pa_s). The giveaway will end on July 2, so go enter!

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