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Accepted afterdismissal

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Has anybody been dismissed from a PA program and gotten back in (any program) at a later date? I was dismissed after the spring semester due to consecutive test failures, my wife lost our son and that got me really sidetracked. I have considered trying to re-apply but I am not sure I would get in, as I was not the greatest (not the worst either)student to begin with. Any feedback would be helpful.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes there have been folks thathave been dismissed and then allowed to come back. We had one person in our class that failed out of the 2nd semester due to personal circumstances, they were allowed a spot in the next year but they had to repeat all classes, even the ones they passed the first time. Your best bet is to speak with your program director and try to get into the same program and explain your situation. Good luck!

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Your best bet is to speak with your program director and try to get into the same program and explain your situation. Good luck!

I really have to agree with this, if you can do it I'd go this route. If you can't be prepared, very prepared to discuss what happened at the interview; and you might try and take some science coursework to show you are back on track and ready to handle PA school. Just saying. Good or bad ADCOMS can be unforgiving. Good luck.

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  • 2 months later...

Same happened to me. I've been dismissed/withdrawn from the program for personal reasons and I was able to speak to the program director who was actually able to listen more to my problem and offered me a seat (garanteed) for next year's class. I will only have to retake the classes that I have failed and will continue with the program. It's a big bummer but it is definitely worth trying to retain a seat for the following year because you have very understandable extenuating circumstances. Good luck and keep us posted!

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Last week we just lost one of our students. She explained her situation to her advisor and the staff and she has a guranteed slot held for her next year. She will have to start all over, but at least she still has a spot. Some people will try over and over and not get a spot, especially since PA is the best thing since sliced bread now.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry for your loss and sorry that your program was so lame as to kick you out because of it. Most medical schools let people take a year off for things like this so I don't know why PA schools have to be so stringent. I saw some of the other posts from people who were dismissed and got back in but have to repeat all their courses. Those schools will do anything for an extra buck. They're bottom line is $$$$$ at anyone's expense. I would talk to your director and if they have any sense of humanity they will let you back in.

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