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PT Technician

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I have 1000+ hours of PT Tech work and was considering this patient care experience because I am in constant contact with patients (I talk to patients and work with them the entire shift). I considered this Patient Care Experience, but now I am concerned for designating on the CASPA because of my secondary duties. The schools I am applying to list the position or approved the position on their website. 

Here is the job description: 

Job Description – Physical Therapy Tech
Reports to Clinic Director
Provides assistance with patient care under the direction of a physical therapist. The exact duties determined by the size of the clinics and the number of support staff.
Primary duties include: assisting physical therapist with therapist-designed exercises, working with multiple patients, providing heat and cold therapy, administering ultrasound therapy, applying electrical stimulation therapy, welcoming patients, bringing patients to their rooms/tables, mediating between patient and Physical Therapist, being a resource for patient concerns, appropriately charting patient exercises, and directing questions to physical therapist.
Secondary duties: Maintaining  the upkeep of equipment and treating areas, obtaining patient medical history forms, organizing work place environment, ensuring supplies such as clean linens and therapy tools are a available, complying with infection control policies to reduce risk of infection, and recording important medical equipment data for patient treatment.

Is there anything I need to do for the secondary duties (IE have as separate "healthcare" experience, this is maybe 5% of the job)?



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