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MCPHS Rotations?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there,


What would you like to know? I'm not as well-versed on it as I will be in the coming months since I'm still in my first year, but from preliminary info it looks like they have a lot of options throughout New England and have focused a TON of effort on developing new rotation sites and new contacts. From what I can tell so far, most of the rotations are at smaller offices (vs. big-hospital sites) and to me this is ideal because I won't be competing with a dozen med students, nurses, and other PA's for a preceptor's attention - I'll have significantly more one-on-one hands on experience that way.


The other thing worth noting is the Manchester campus faculty is really working hard to develop international rotations as well. They have one site already in Belize that they've been sending students to for a while now.


Let me know if you have any more specific questions. Good luck with everything!

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  • 5 months later...

Some rotations I had were excellent while others were an absolute waste of time and money. The students who went on rotation in Belize basically watched doctors practice medicine in Spanish and that was it. But, it's a good sell. There are 2 OB/GYN sites that absolutely despise PA students and don't let them do anything but if you tell the school they just act like they've never had an issue before even though students have been complaining for years.


Are you a student currently? I see you joined this site in 2007. So, either your a student or your a professor/staff hired by the school to monitor what is said about it. Which one is it?

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  • 1 month later...

I'm in the middle of rotations and so far so good. Be aware that a rotation is what you make of it. If you are aggressive and get involved in stuff, you can get a lot from almost any rotation. If you wait for people to tell you what to do, you might wait for 5 weeks (standard rotation length) and never do very much.


After a very highly structured year of classes and labs, it requires a major gear shift. Need to push your preceptor for what you can do. Oftern, at the start of a rotation, you need to push to just figure out who your real preceptor is.


Such is life.

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I'm in the middle of rotations and so far so good. Be aware that a rotation is what you make of it. If you are aggressive and get involved in stuff, you can get a lot from almost any rotation. If you wait for people to tell you what to do, you might wait for 5 weeks (standard rotation length) and never do very much.


After a very highly structured year of classes and labs, it requires a major gear shift. Need to push your preceptor for what you can do. Oftern, at the start of a rotation, you need to push to just figure out who your real preceptor is.


Such is life.


You're in your 1st or 2nd rotation. It really isn't always what you make of it, but often times it is. When a preceptor tells you not to touch a pt you DO NOT touch that pt. After 5 weeks of not being able to touch the pt, get a history, or formulate a diagnosis and plan with the preceptor it gets really old. So, there's not much you "can make" of that situation.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...
Some rotations I had were excellent while others were an absolute waste of time and money. The students who went on rotation in Belize basically watched doctors practice medicine in Spanish and that was it. But, it's a good sell. There are 2 OB/GYN sites that absolutely despise PA students and don't let them do anything but if you tell the school they just act like they've never had an issue before even though students have been complaining for years.


Are you a student currently? I see you joined this site in 2007. So, either your a student or your a professor/staff hired by the school to monitor what is said about it. Which one is it?


You're kinda nuts if you think this school is going to dedicate resources to monitor some dark corner of the internet where bitter people come to vent their hostilities with accusatory remarks and poor grammar.

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