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seeking PA to shadow in Chicago North Side!!!

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  • 4 months later...



When I was looking in Chicago, contacted the Illinois APA and they gave a list of their members willing to have a student shadow. Kari in the office sent their emails/contact info, and I had to contact them individually to ask if they would let me shadow. Unfortunately, I don't still have that list (otherwise would send to yoU). Hope this helps!

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I am actual member of the IAPA and I've sent loads of emails to ALL the listed PA-Cs and I got a few replies (2 or so) stating they can't accept anyone to shadow them at the moment for one reason or the other. I really wish it was easy to just find an individual(s) to shadow. I hope to find some eventually.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am also looking to shadow a PA in the Chicago area! I will start shadowing a Derm PA soon but it is outside of Chicago and I'd also like to shadow someone in a different specialty/area as well. Thank you posters for the IAPA advice--I have contacted someone (leader from a specific area) from that org but I need to send a couple more emails. Haven't heard anything yet. If anyone has any "leads" I'd appreciate the info! Thanks!!

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Oh, and an ad-on from my post right above this. I'm a recent college grad from a small public school in VA (2009, B.A. in International Relations) and am currently completing my masters in public administration in Chicago as well as my CNA certification (clinicals at a northside hospital). I am in the process of taking my pre-req classes as well. If any of you Chicagoland PA's on this site would be willing to let me shadow you, even for just a day (or you know someone who would) please let me know! Thanks so much.

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