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Seattle Area

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I'm looking to shadow a PA working in primary care, urgent care, or emergency medicine in the greater Seattle area. I have worked directly with PA's for many years, but it has been a long time since I have worked in primary/urgent care, & I no longer have PA contacts there that I can get a hold of. I already have sufficient contacts for all my LOR's, but since my goal is to be a PA working in primary/urgent care, I feel I need to shadow in these areas specifically.


I have cut back my hours to free up more time for this, & am available for 4-5 hrs per day Mon-Thur, & all day Fri-Sun until Spring Quarter starts. Any assistance or advice on who I might be able to contact would be greatly appreciated.

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try www.pashadowonline.com we just had a new PA in Seattle sign up to take students for shadowing. It's a free website. Just go to the PA under Seattle, click on their calendar. If there are shadow dates, go ahead and sign up but if there aren't any dates, just click on the PA's name in gold letters and you can email the PA directly to schedule a shadow date. Good luck.

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