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Essay writing at interviews?

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You can expect something like a hypothetical situation about medical ethics, i.e. you perscribe a patient something they are allergic to without realizing it until later that day, what do you do? If the school is focused on i.e. primary care or surgery, a prompt like what makes you want to go into surgery, what is the future role of PAs in surgery? Short, maybe a page total, with 10-20 minutes to write. Nothing major at all.

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I had one at the University of Colorado. It was NOT announced.. total surprise when we got there, and I was "lucky" enough to be in the first group. 5 of us were led into a conference room, there were pencils and paper on the table and an info sheet with the prompt. The lady shut the door and said you have 20 minutes, GO. Our prompt was very basic. Something like "Your great uncle wants to know why you want to be a PA, tell him about the profession and why you think its right for you. He also thinks it's interesting that you don't want to go to med school" Spelling, grammar, and content all considered. I spent 5 minutes to brainstorm and make a rough outline. Bad choice, we had to write 2 pages and when she came in I was about 4 lines short. I also didn't have time to reread anything that I wrote.


I didn't get into UC.. I have no idea if it was my essay or a combo or things. My advice: watch your time!!

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We had to write one at UNE. They just asked about a defining moment that changed you if i remember correctly. They said not to stress too much about it, they have never accepted or rejected anyone based solely on the essay. Mostly seemed like a check on your ability to form coherent thoughts.

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I did on-site essay writing at Pacific, UNE, and Union College. None of the questions required specific domain knowledge. In addition to the above, the essay is also a great chance to show off your vocabulary and prose skills, not just your spelling, grammar, and logical thinking.

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  • 6 years later...

Based on what you wrote I am guessing you interviewed a classmate so I would recommend writing in the first person in this particular case as it is being written from direct experience. Even though you don't know the person well everything you know about them is between you and them so look at the questions and answers you have and arrange them accordingly as follows. Top essay writer UK

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We had a writing prompt at my school that most people knew about going in through researching the interview process. It was a medical based prompt but it did not necessarily require deep medical knowledge to answer. Basically a scenario was given and you picked a position and defended it. Very similar to a GRE style question. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
On 11/21/2018 at 9:33 AM, PAstudent87 said:

I have interview scheduled at Adventist Univeristy , any suggestions from the previous interviews regarding essay writing and group project ?

Some schools have group writing prompts where you have scenarios and your group has to figure out how to navigate it together. Some schools have individual writing prompts where you're given similar scenarios and you alone have to write how you'd handle it. Normally if it's only one questions is more ethical based than medically based. If there's multiple questions you normally have one ethical and one medical related question. I have no idea how Adventist does it, but I'd prepare for both. It's mostly drawing from your experience to be honest, so you can't really prepare.

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