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Questions to Ask of PA Schools

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Hi everybody!

I see lots of posts about PA school interview questions, and that's great.  But I'm wondering about questions that we might ask our interviewers.  I look up everything I can, and I'm not sure what's left to ask.  However, if anyone has any input about this it would really help!

Hi everybody!
I see lots of posts about PA school interview questions, and that's great.  But I'm wondering about questions that we might ask our interviewers.  I look up everything I can, and I'm not sure what's left to ask.  However, if anyone has any input about this it would really help!

Be genuine with your questions! Look up the program and ask any questions that come to mind.

Also, consider where you want to go with the profession, where the PA profession itself is heading and where your interviewers came from to get to where they are now. People like to talk about themselves and their story and they like to see that you're interested in them and also thinking about your future. Having 7-10 questions prepared is a good idea but you probably won't have time to ask them all!

I know this isn't specific questions but I hope it helps!

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OK, thanx!  I'd actually love to ask them about their careers, and their program, so that's great.  Have my first interview on Friday in Indianapolis.  Flying out in the morning.  Maybe I should sleep?  LOL



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