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First Year Raise Amount?

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I just finished my first year of practice out of school as an ER PA in los angeles. 

My current contract as an employee:

$58/hr base rate. Each shift is 10 hours and at 1.5x for the last 2 hours the average comes out to $64/hr.

I work about 14 shifts/month which comes out to about $107.5k/year. 

Benefits: 4 weeks PTO which equals an additional $9.2k

7% 401k match which I am maxing. 

And then basics like malpractice and health etc


Question is what should I ask for in terms of raise to my base rate? I feel like they are going to offer something nominal like $60/hr which will only increase annual pay by about $3.3k


Any help? Thanks 


(I also posted in Contracts but thought you guys may be able to give me some better info)

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On July 12, 2017 at 5:16 PM, SoCal_PA said:

I just finished my first year of practice out of school as an ER PA in los angeles. 

My current contract as an employee:

$58/hr base rate. Each shift is 10 hours and at 1.5x for the last 2 hours the average comes out to $64/hr.

I work about 14 shifts/month which comes out to about $107.5k/year. 

Benefits: 4 weeks PTO which equals an additional $9.2k

7% 401k match which I am maxing. 

And then basics like malpractice and health etc


Question is what should I ask for in terms of raise to my base rate? I feel like they are going to offer something nominal like $60/hr which will only increase annual pay by about $3.3k


Any help? Thanks 


(I also posted in Contracts but thought you guys may be able to give me some better info)

Hi SoCal_PA, I was wondering what ended up happening.. were you able to negotiate for a raise? Your benefits sound very similar as to mine. I also work in the ER but in Northern California. I have a review coming up next month (I've been working in the ER as a new grad for 6 months now) and would like to bring up getting a raise, but wasn't sure if it was too soon to ask. 

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