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NREMT-P Recertification (Can the didactic year satisfy these requirements?)

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I am applying this cycle to multilple PA programs. I've looked at old threads and know this has been an issue for others in the past. I hold my NREMT-P cert which I cannot let go due to my DOD obligations. If I am accepted, my recert window will fall sometime during the clinical year. Has anyone's found success with their program or medical director to have the didactic year satisfy requirements?

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I don't think this is an option with the NREMT, as they limit the number of hours that can come from college credits.  I faced the same issue prior to my matriculation into PA school.  I opted for an online 48-hour refresher and covered the remaining hours by listing didactic classes along with the corresponding syllabuses.


ACLS can also be an issues depending on when your card expires and when your program provides ACLS?  Trying to find an ACLS program while in the middle of the didactic year is an added stress you will not want to deal with. 

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Just my experience. I used didactic year for many of my recertification hours, and it counted. I called NREMT before logging the hours, and they said that it would suffice. They were truthfully a little confused about the situation, and didn't seem very confident in their answers, but they gave me a definite yes that the hours counted. 

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I went inactive and just go the recert by exam route. It is 110 bucks but the test is easy and you just need CPR and ACLS in addition. I used to be certified in Pennsylvania and at the time I left the state cert never expired and I was going to use that as my backup plan, but they changed that rule and it expires now so this was just the path of least resistance. 

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I did exactly this. I drafted a letter allocating credits against the NREMT-P blueprint and it went out under our program director's signature.


I continued to ride two shifts per month with my department, with the approval of my PA program, on a non-interference basis. So I didn't have to go inactive. I still do two shifts per month and help with training as well.



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I still carry my Pennsylvania EMT-P card that says Expiration: none, although I understand it is now just nostalgic. never did natl registry as it was just getting popular around the time I stopped working as a medic and was not required in CA or PA when I was working.  also never worked for AMR, but every place I worked became AMR within months of me leaving. better pay and benefits, etc. I never made more than 35k/yr as a medic.

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