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Bay Area Rotations

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Help! I am a 2nd year PA student looking for rotations in the San Francisco/Bay Area. Any specialty, any city in a 30 mile radius, summer 2012. Does anyone know any doctors, PAs, or NPs that take PA students in the area? I am looking for anything from a small clinic to a large hospital. Even if you don't know a specific preceptor but know of a clinic that takes students I would greatly appreciate any info. You can either respond here or message me.


Help! I am a 2nd year PA student looking for rotations in the San Francisco/Bay Area. Any specialty, any city in a 30 mile radius, summer 2012. Does anyone know any doctors, PAs, or NPs that take PA students in the area? I am looking for anything from a small clinic to a large hospital. Even if you don't know a specific preceptor but know of a clinic that takes students I would greatly appreciate any info. You can either respond here or message me.


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