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Class of 2014 (interview or acceptance)

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I have an interview next week...any tips or advice would be great!!! ahhhhhhh!! = )


girlygirl just relax and be natural. Im waiting to hear back from Downstate but I came out of that interview feeling really confident that I had done well and that they truly got to know who i am and why I'll make a good PA one day. First there are 2 small essays you'll have to write before the interview. You have about 50 mins to write both of them. One is an essay in response to a healthcare article theyll give you (i had something about the childhood obesity epidemic in the US and whether mandating healthier public school lunches infringes on the rights of food businesses and what national changes i would make to curb childhood obesity). the second essay (for me at least) i had to write about what i felt were the advantages of going to a PA school that was urban, multicultural, multiethnic etc.. and why youd want to go to such a school etc... something lke that. For me I wrote alot for the first essay and only about a page for the second essay because I only had 20 mins left and figured id address the answer to that question in my interview which i did.


Anyways so Then youll hand in the esssays and wait for a few mins and then youll be called in to be interviewed by two people. they will take turns asking you questions about things like your major (if you have/are finishing a bachelors before you go to downstate), classes you liked/ didnt like, your study habits, what you do to destress, your health care experience, shadowing, what 3 words would a friend use to describe you, what is/are your weakness/es, will you be able to deal with the amount of classes and stress that comes with them in terms of other family/home obligations, .... lots of q's like that. Oh and one really interesting q that was a great q but took me a few seconds to figure out a good answer was - tell us about a profound experience in you life that changed you internally and change your outlook- (i dont remember if thats exactly how they asked it but that was the essential q). I thought wow - what do i answer... and then something poppped into my head and I told them about the first time I saw a person die in the ER where I volunteer. Nearly 2 years ago and I can still hear the familys screams... I told them how i was stunned and shocked when time of death was called but that I learned that unfortunately the medical advances of modern day medicine cant always save everyone and that death is a part of life. I also said that i learned how to be sad about the loss of life while still maintaining my composure enough to be compassionate and professional toward a grieving family. I think they liked that answer ;)


So thats how the interview goes- mine was about 45-50 mins long. oh and they ask you in the end if you have any q's for them and i asked abt what the program is becoming masters level and they said theyre in the final steps of it and it should be ready for the new class.


Good luck dont be nervous I really enjoyed the interview and spoke from my heart - i love medicine and have grown up watching my Mother be a PA so I cannot wait to join the ranks of this important branch of Medicine as a second-generation PA. :)

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I have an interview next week...any tips or advice would be great!!! ahhhhhhh!! = )


girlygirl just relax and be natural. Im waiting to hear back from Downstate but I came out of that interview feeling really confident that I had done well and that they truly got to know who i am and why I'll make a good PA one day. First there are 2 small essays you'll have to write before the interview. You have about 50 mins to write both of them. One is an essay in response to a healthcare article theyll give you (i had something about the childhood obesity epidemic in the US and whether mandating healthier public school lunches infringes on the rights of food businesses and what national changes i would make to curb childhood obesity). the second essay (for me at least) i had to write about what i felt were the advantages of going to a PA school that was urban, multicultural, multiethnic etc.. and why youd want to go to such a school etc... something lke that. For me I wrote alot for the first essay and only about a page for the second essay because I only had 20 mins left and figured id address the answer to that question in my interview which i did.


Anyways so Then youll hand in the esssays and wait for a few mins and then youll be called in to be interviewed by two people. they will take turns asking you questions about things like your major (if you have/are finishing a bachelors before you go to downstate), classes you liked/ didnt like, your study habits, what you do to destress, your health care experience, shadowing, what 3 words would a friend use to describe you, what is/are your weakness/es, will you be able to deal with the amount of classes and stress that comes with them in terms of other family/home obligations, .... lots of q's like that. Oh and one really interesting q that was a great q but took me a few seconds to figure out a good answer was - tell us about a profound experience in you life that changed you internally and change your outlook- (i dont remember if thats exactly how they asked it but that was the essential q). I thought wow - what do i answer... and then something poppped into my head and I told them about the first time I saw a person die in the ER where I volunteer. Nearly 2 years ago and I can still hear the familys screams... I told them how i was stunned and shocked when time of death was called but that I learned that unfortunately the medical advances of modern day medicine cant always save everyone and that death is a part of life. I also said that i learned how to be sad about the loss of life while still maintaining my composure enough to be compassionate and professional toward a grieving family. I think they liked that answer ;)


So thats how the interview goes- mine was about 45-50 mins long. oh and they ask you in the end if you have any q's for them and i asked abt what the program is becoming masters level and they said theyre in the final steps of it and it should be ready for the new class.


Good luck dont be nervous I really enjoyed the interview and spoke from my heart - i love medicine and have grown up watching my Mother be a PA so I cannot wait to join the ranks of this important branch of Medicine as a second-generation PA. :)

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